Online BL Printing Portal
An online solution for customers to print Bill of Lading
Apache Tomcat
Electron js
Express js
Chart js
The online BL printing application provides a hassle-free yet secure way of printing the most important document in the logistics industry - the Bill of Lading. With a classic and informative admin section, the control lies in our clients hands as to which of his customers they want to provide this unique feature of printing the BL document online.
Problem statement
To print this important document, a customer must visit their logistics partners office, which can be very time-consuming. With our client facing the same situation, they wanted to make this task easy for their customers who can print the Bill of Lading online without having the need to visit the partner office in person.
An online solution for customers to print Bill of Lading
Our client wanted a solution where the control remains to them; they must be able to decide upon the customers who would get access to online BL printing.
The application was supposed to be a desktop-based installable application to allow printing
The application was supposed to track the installed printers and prevent the saving of BL as a PDF
The application was also supposed to have a feature where-in, the end-customer must be able to re-print in the event of paper stuck or some other issue; however after the approval of the application admin
The versioning of the application was important so that the user is not allowed to use the old version of the application if the new version was released.
As the CIO of the company, this was the first project that I gave to Infomover Technologies. They did a wonderful job and then, there was no looking back. We have been hiring them for various projects since then.
The Solution
We used Electron JS as the framework in order to build the desktop application
Used Node JS advanced features in order to access the local resources of the machine that hosts the application
We made the application available for download based on the authorization from the clients admin
We built a dashboard for the admin that provides statistics like end-customers onboarded, the number of BLs printed, failed prints and option to allow re-print.
We integrated the application into their ERP in order to retrieve the BL PDF
The Draft BL viewer was also provided for the preview of the draft bill of lading.
We implemented 2-factor authentication via email-based OTP in order to make sure that only authorized users are allowed to take the print of the BL
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